“Never mistake activity for achievement.” – John Wooden
At Colebourne we are committed to giving every child the best possible experiences. As part of our curriculum, we have ’50 things children will experience while at Colebourne’.
Each year group have certain ones they will do during the year, while others will be done at anytime and by any year. These are carefully mapped into our curriculum to link with other learning. Many of these are experienced through our residential visits and day trips program.
If you want to record each of the ’50 things’ you can download a record sheet below. On the sheet you can add a photo or draw a picture of the activity and write a bit about it.
We would encourage families to get involved and keep track of which of the ’50 things’ have been completed by their child. If one of the ’50 things’ are completed outside of school familes can complete one of the record sheets and
send into school where it can be shared with the class. They could also tweet us a picture or add to the child’s Class Dojo portfolio.
Each year there are events where parents are invited to take part in achieving one or more of the activities off the list. Parents are encouraged to take part if they can as the children really appreciate it – and it is good fun!

50 Things – List of Activities
Click here to download the latest list of activities for the Colebourne 50 Things.

50 Things – Recording Sheet
Once you’ve completed one of the 50 Things, note it down on your record sheet to keep track!

50 Things – Photo Examples
Check out some of our amazing pupils completing tasks on their 50 Things sheets.